God's Messengers:
What Animals Teach Us about the Divine
Exploring age-old questions about the healing power of love, the interconnectedness of all life, and the presence of God, authors Allen and Linda Anderson offer extraordinary true stories about animals that answer and affirm beliefs. Each story illuminates a dark corner of doubt or opens your heart to new revelations of the divine.
Health and fitness expert Richard Simmons tells the story, "Spotted Angels," about the Dalmatians who enriched his mother's last
A retired teacher remembers the hamster who brought inner city school children on
a journey from hate to love.
A mother reveals how a special ferret helped her autistic son to become the hero
of his Little League baseball team.
Empathic cows in a field surround a grieving woman and shed tears with her.
A man in a coma gets a visit from his best canine friend and the dog?s kisses
bring him back to consciousness.
A moose delivers the message to a minister that animals go to
A dog's persistent attendance at church services enlivens an entire
This book celebrates the spiritual bond between people and animals. Dogs, cats, horses, ferrets, rats, birds, snakes, llamas - reveal love and compassion, teach hope and forgiveness, or serve as mirrors to the soul.
If you have ever felt alone or abandoned, this book will bring comfort, renewal, and spiritual insights. 50 black-and-white photographs of adorable animals accompany these heartwarming stories.
"Traditionally angels wear white robes and have wings. In Allen and
Linda Anderson's new book, angels wear fur coats and have woofs. You are a pet
lover, you understand the special bond between humans and animals. And there's
powerful evidence of animals at our side, every day, helping us on the
bumpy road of life, according to Allen and Linda Anderson, authors and
co-founders of the Angel Animals Network, a group whose goal is to help people
realize that animals are our spiritual partners."
--Sarah Newman,
St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Dec 24, 2005
beloved pet may actually be a messenger from God, says a noted author. . . Linda
Anderson and her husband Allen, the book's coauthor, believe that God sends
messages of love, acceptance, and even proof of life after death though
--S. D. Hubbard, The National ENQUIRER, May 31,
"Fitness guru Richard Simmons showered his beloved mom with jewels
and took her on exotic trips all over the world, but the most precious gifts he
ever gave her was a pair of Dalmatians....I don't think I ever saw my mom
happier, he says in the book God's Messengers: What Animals Teach Us about
the Divine by Allen and Linda Anderson (New World Library)."
National Examiner, April 26, 2004
Andersons' most recent book, God's Messengers: What Animals Teach Us about
the Divine, illustrates how traditional cultures have viewed animals as
messengers and mediators of the divine, which is a lesson we need to relearn.
The book is a bold reminder that consciousness takes many forms and is not
restricted to humans."
--Alicyn Leigh, The Long Island Press, March
19, 2004
"Animal lovers tell stories of
rescue. . .God's Messengers: What Animals Teach Us about the Divine makes
you wonder -- who's rescuing whom?"
--Debbie Moose, The News & Observer, November 2003
"It’s no longer the case that many people dismiss a pet
as merely a possession they own. No, a growing number of people understand that
their dogs and cats and reptiles and birds, and other companions are beings with
souls who are in their lives for a reason."
--Tim Miegan,
The Edge, June 2000
"If you never considered animals to be messengers from
God, this collection of real stories about how animals connect us with the
Divine will have you wondering, if not convince you that God
does exist and can be seen through the
animals that share our world."
--Kathy DeSantis, Awareness Magazine, October 2003
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